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Well Amazon has an affiliate marketing program the Amazon Associate Program where they compensates you a commission if you do refer customers to these phones buy items.
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When I first started selling Amazon Products, I built sites and sent my traffic directly for the site. My traffic source was usually article online marketing. I realized, however, that missing a lot of sales. Although in general, half belonging to the visitors to my sites clicked right through to Amazon’s site, if they did not buy around the time frame of Amazon’s cookie, I would miss manage completely. Also, if they found another person’s site and clicked high on Amazon from there, my cookie would no longer be primary, and I would personally miss manage.
They both have affiliate programs, and may promote these items successfully. Which both reasonably priced, and thats friendly to both your customers, anyone as an affiliate marketer. Your clients don’t feel they will be taken advantage of, and still tends to make a fair commission on each trading.
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